Practical Tips to Save Energy in the Kitchen

Practical Tips to Save Energy in the Kitchen

Optimize Your Energy Consumption in the Kitchen with these Simple Strategies

Most of our kitchens are full of appliances that are powered by electricity. With all the buzz about efficient kitchen appliances, you might have heard of "phantom loads". This is the amount of electricity that is used by your kitchen appliance even when they are not in use. Even though big electric appliances such as televisions and refrigerators are mostly responsible for "vampire power", but small kitchen appliances can also consume electricity when they are not in use.
In this article, we'll tell you simple and practical tips to help you save energy in the kitchen.

Choosing Energy Efficient Products

One major step to ensure energy efficiency in the kitchen is to choose the products that are energy effective. A study indicates that on average, a kitchen owns approximately 41 electric appliances. In some cases, this number is as higher as 85. Now if your kitchen is full of electric appliances, you have to make sure you are using the right to cut down your electricity cost.

Also, when you are shopping your kitchen appliances, you need to make sure that it is of the best quality. Reason offers a wide range of high-quality domestic appliances that are energy-efficient and cut down your electricity cost.

Size of the Appliance is an Important Factor

Kitchen appliances such as blenders, kettles, washing machines, and refrigerators have become much more energy-efficient over the years. These appliances use less amount of energy than 10 years ago. But the sizes of these appliances have increased as well. This factor cancels out some of the possible energy savings.
Getting the right size of the appliance is an important factor to consider. If you have a small family, choosing a bigger refrigerator would not make sense for you.

Leaving Appliances on Standby is NOT Recommended

Some of the kitchen appliances like refrigerators are always on. These kinds of appliances need constant electricity for them to perform well. But you can turn off your other appliances to conserve energy. For example, you don't need to keep the plugin of your blender all the time. Remember, leaving your appliances on standby can create a phantom power phenomenon that would increase your electricity bills. Try to get into the habit of turning your appliances off at the plug to save energy.

Energy Saving while Cooking

There are simple ways to save energy when cooking. This process would also make sure your food preparation methods don't affect the quality of your meal. For example, using a microwave to heat your food would consume less amount of energy than the traditional gas heaters.

  • Heating the water in an electric kettle would take less amount of time and energy. You should also boil as much water as you need.
  • If you have to use a pan to boil water then make sure to cover the pan. Water will boil faster and would take less amount of energy.
  • Don't open your oven and refrigerator doors repeatedly – this would let the hot and cool air out and waste energy.

    These are some of the most useful that would help you cut down your electricity cost. Also, Reason offers a wide range of domestic appliances, LEDs, and ACs that are energy efficient and help you save money on your electric bill.

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