quality food processor

4 Juicy Things You Can Do with a Food Processor

Kitchen gadgets are a great way to have fun while preparing food. Other than them being quick and handy, they are efficient and powerful. Adding to it, did you know they also make preparing healthy food easier?

Yes! Healthy food and that too within minutes!

One such power pack is a food processor. This kitchen appliance is the favorite of many cooking lovers, bakers, and chefs alike. It comes with multiple different parts, all performing unique functions. This makes this device so versatile that you can even prepare all event foods in it.

Make Homemade Sauces

   1. Green Sauce

Go super healthy with a green mint sauce. It even has green in the name!

Forget spending hours making mint sauce or chutney in the usual way. The new food processors are more handy than you can imagine.

Get a bundle of mint leaves and clean them properly. Add them into the juicer blender. Pour some lemon juice, garlic cloves, red or black pepper, and chili flakes. Close the lid and give everything a whirl till you see a smooth sauce forming. You may add a spoonful of yogurt if the ingredients feel too dry to blend.

Store this mixture in the freezer for future use. Mix a spoonful of this blend with yogurt and voila, your mint sauce is ready to add a chef’s kiss to your dishes.

   2. Ketchup

Did you know that you can make ketchup at home? Now you do!

Making ketchup at home is not only economical but way healthier. Packet one is full of preservatives, artificial colors, and sugars. What’s better is making your own ketchup and feeding your children only the right ingredients.

Blend some tomatoes in the processor to make a puree. Shift the tomato paste in a pan and add maple syrup/honey, apple cider vinegar, and onion or garlic powder

even go sugar-free by replacing white sugar with a low-calorie alternative such as stevia.

Prepare Healthy Smoothies 

Smoothies are a simple, fun, and quick way to get a boost of nutrients.

   1. Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie

It is a power booster drink to get you through the day with full energy.

Both berries are full of antioxidants, getting you clearer skin and keeping infections at bay. Chia seeds and almond milk are protein sources for your daily energy.

For this recipe, you need to add almond milk, fresh strawberries and blueberries, 1 tbsp chia seeds, and honey in a blender. Mix the ingredients till you get an amazing color of purple. Quench your summer thirst with this super drink.

strawberry blueberry smoothie   2. Chocolate Cherry Smoothie

Another great way to make your day energetic is by consuming a stress-buster chocolate smoothie. Organic cocoa is good for stress and many diseases like heart problems. Cherries and their anti-oxidant properties are not hidden from anyone. Get this drink in the mid-morning or in the evening to relieve your work stress.

To make a chocolate cherry smoothie, almond milk, 1 tbsp of cocoa, a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon, a handful of baby spinach, and a half cup of cherries in the food processor. Run the machine till a thick consistency is formed. Enjoy your drink with a good book.

Chop Pieces in Minutes 

One part of a food processor is a high-end chopper with different cutting blades. The multiple blades allow you to cut food into pieces of any size.

This feature allows you to prepare different styles of salads. You can even cut fruits, meat, and nuts into any size your dish demands. However, keep in mind to look for a high power motor when you buy food processor online.

Baking Goods 

It’s not an oven but can still help with your baking struggles. A food processor can be used in multiple ways to aid in baking healthy cakes, breads, pies, and even make cereals.

   1. Preparing Oats Flour

Oat flour is a comparatively expensive alternative to everyday wheat flour. The ingredient is gluten-free and also sugar-free. You can use this flour in your daily dishes and your baking goods.

All you have to do is grind rolled oats in a high-power Reason food processor for a few minutes. The resulting powder will be an all-purpose oat flour ready to be used in baking bread, muffins, and cakes. You can even add your favorite nuts in the blender once the powder is formed to add a health boost to your foods.

Get a Quality Food Processor Today

Who can miss the opportunity to prepare all these delicious foods? Widen your dinner table with drinks, sauces, and dishes of all kinds. Apart from these, you can always prepare everyday healthy juices and keep yourself hydrated. 

 For the best food processor price in Pakistan, buy online from a reliable buyer like Reason by Orient. If you are running low on budget, you may get inexpensive alternatives: a juicer blender or a chopper. These devices may not be equally versatile as a food processor in Pakistan but can prepare similarly delicious blends within minutes.

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